"Osteopathy is based on the perfection of Nature’s work. When all parts of the human body are in line we have health. When they are not the effect is disease. When the parts are readjusted disease gives place to health." A.T. Still

What We Do



Osteopathy is a non-invasive holistic approach to medicine balancing all the systems of the body, musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory and lymphatic, to maximise health and well-being.

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Helen Harrison - Osteopath

Our health and well-being are our most valuable asset. In practice I love treating people of all ages, newborn to the aged, and relish working with a variety of conditions.

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Osteopathy in the Cranial Field

We use the model of osteopathy in the cranial field because it is both gentle and non-invasive and appropriate for the whole family, the newborn to the aged.

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What We Treat

“As an electrician controls electric currents, so an osteopath controls life currents and revives suspended forces.” A. T. Still
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